Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Symbols in Art

Roman Cross: The Cross Symbol has been used in history for various reasons over the years, however the most prominent use for it today is for Christianity. The term 'cross' comes from the Latin Word 'crux' which means torture. Star of David: The image contains two triangles, and they can be viewed as two things: either a sign of unceasing conflict in the Jewish community or a different form to express the ideology of the Yin Yang symbol.
Yin Yang: Yin Yang is used to symbolize the balance of two opposites to symbolize that in order for the world to be in order, there must be an equal amount of these two opposites. In this way, it means that Yin may symbolize female, while Yang is male.Yin as mountain, while Yang is river, etc.
Peace: The peace symbol originated as an anti-nuclear symbol. The design came from the naval code, for N and D (to stand for Nuclear Disarmament) where N is both hands extended diagonally and D is on hand up while the other is down to form a vertical line.
Swastika: The term comes from the Sanskrit word Svasti, and the symbol is intended to be used as a sign of good fortune. However, after the Nazi's used the symbol, the symbol was regarded negatively, however, the symbol was originally from Buddhism and is used to represent the god Vishnu, or the god Kali.
Ouroboros: The Ouroboros depicts a snake eating it's own tail, often in a circular motion which represents the never-ending circle of life.
Four Leaf Clover: The Four Leaf Clover is used as a symbol of luck and have been considered good luck by the Irish since early times. It was also believed that Eve (from the Genesis story of Adam and Eve) carried around a Four Leaf Clover.
Raven: Both the Crow and the Raven are often used to symbolize death in photos. It was said that this bird flew over Celtic Battlefields as the deity incarnate.
Rain: In media, Rain is generally used to express sadness (aka. a pathetic fallacy). This may resemble tears, however at the same time it may also (though less commonly) may symbolize tears of joy.
Lion: Lions have been used as various signs in different cultures and time periods, however it can be universally agreed upon that the Lion is often seen as a symbol of Justice or Pride. It's most primarily known as a symbol of strength however because of it's obvious strength and powerful roar.

Chinese Characters : Freedom.

Freedom means different things to a lot of different people. It could be even quite different for two people who've known each other for their whole lives. Some abuse it, while others crave it.

Chinese Characters : Happiness.

Happiness again, also has a wide-variation of meaning to a wide-range of people. Some overlook it, some are always pursuiting it.

'Being in Love'

This is the average sign for 'being in love', with the arrow of Cupid (Amor) being through the heart, meaning the one has been struck with the love arrow (or just love).


This is a sign for being calm. This was created long ago, by early human civilizations. It is now usually used by Buddists, which still represents calmness.


This symbol used to represent the Spanish Fascists' Falange during the 30's but now represents: chaos.


This symbol represents a lot of things but mainly creativity. It also anatomically represents the heart and the spine, alchemically represents digestion and generally represents the following: confidence, warmth, love, protection and power. It also holds negative meanings: vanity and egotism.

The Sun.

The Sun represents a long of things to us humans, because it holds our key to life. Without it, we wouldn't be able to survive. We have many uses and have daily necessities that require the sun. It mainly represents life, strength, and light.

'All seeing eye in the pyramid'.

A surveillance and information system setup by the United States government. The masonic eye in the pyramid shines its light all over the planet, meaning they have an eye on us, the common people at all times. Some say they're the illuminati and that they worship the devil. Not everyone is aware of this organization, they use all forms of media to brainwash the common people subliminally and doing this to carry out the 'New World Order'. Some fear this symbol, others question it, while others are completely clueless.


Also called, the Lily of France. It has several meanings, which include: the Virgin Juno, the Triple Goddess, and etc.


An American-Indian symbol/sacred circle. It is usually hung next to/above your bed. It is said to catch bad dreams and only allow good dreams to pass through.