Monday, January 10, 2011

Take Drama!

Through various technigques, I attempted to create an effective advertising poster. The purpose of this poster was to encourage students at this high school to take the Drama Course; in any or all four years of their high school career.To begin, the title of the course (Drama) was typed across at the top of the poster; where the contrasting bright yellow made in stand out. This allowed the viewer to understand what the poster was trying to get across immediately. The main focus was to bring attention to the aspects in the drama curriculum. These main focuses included it's overall extravagance: the competitions and the tournaments that as a student you could participate in or even win! Another was the importance of costume design; where student either used clothes from old school years, or purchased and created other costumes to be used in order to further display a sense of character in acting. And the last point to outline was puppetry, and ventriloquy which was another unit in the curriculum. This includes projecting your voice on a inanimate  object, without it being obviously made that the voice was coming from you.