Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Dream and I

With every day that goes by
It sure gets lonely in this
This world of mine
This state of nothingness
Keeps on eating me
Will I succeed?

I can't help but wonder
What chapter is next
I think I can't stop thinking
My mind just needs a rest
'Cause everyone around me
Has lost their mind
Me they think I'm crazy,
'Cause I'm real

I don't have to think
It's under my skin
No one can stop my dream and I

I can't sleep, I'm in too deep
These thoughts are scaring me away
But you don't understand
It seems like no one can
Am I insane?, Am I to blame?

It seems every day
I loose more inspiration
Amount of motivation
My life is going nowhere

With everyday that goes by
It sure gets lonely in this
This world of mine
I will succeed, I will succeed

I don't have to think
It's under my skin
No one can stop my dream and I
Lyrics taken from:

Explanation Paragraph
                The song titled “My Dream and I” by the band RESET revolves around dreams. While there are many different types of dreams, different variations and ideas of what they are to a person, this song seems to be talking about a goal that one wishes to accomplish. The song progresses almost in story form, where it begins at a state where the persona is afraid, to the end of the song where the persona almost seems to be unstoppable where he says “No One Can Stop My Dream and I”. While portraying this song in my photomontage, I began with a girl who was standing on water. With this, I tried to show how fragile she was, the different between planting both feet firmly on the ground compared to standing on water, with ripples on the surface. At the same time, I placed a bench behind her which makes it appear as if she is getting up from where she was sitting, which makes the unreal setting of her walking on water appear to be almost a normal incident for the teenager since the bench would portray a habit, something that has been placed somewhere for convenience because of frequent visits.
                In the next stanza, the story continues to say that everyone around is crazy, the feeling of isolation and not belonging. I tried to portray this with the entire image, the shoreline to show that she was somewhere far out, and the lack of people around her to show that she was by herself. Her walking expresses her restlessness, her posture showing that she was up and perhaps pacing instead of sitting down, relaxing with little or no cares in the world. I continued to portray her lost dream by placing a flower in the background; since a flower is often used to show something beautiful which in this case is the dream that she is thinking about but can’t quite seem to get a hold of, or the courage to pursue it. This is why I placed the flower and the girl facing opposite directions, to show their distance from each other, and how instead of going towards it, she is instead walking away from it. However, at every chorus of the song it continues to say that the persona (who in this case is a she) refuses to give up at the same time that she is beginning to lose hope. In trying to portray this, I placed the reflection of the girl in the water facing the other direction so it appears as if her reflection, or her conscious is pursuing her dreams anyway, or at least has a strong desire to do so.